About Us

Who we are

The proprietor and proprietress of Golden stars Academy are visionaries and educationists in all ramifications. It was their chain of experience for close to two decades of dealing with pupils and students that initiated the school in September 2011. They are God fearing and lovers of God, who want to inculcate the same into the lives of people who come across them, especially pupils and Students. Their aims and target is to look up to God for direction on how to bring up children with enviable character and academic excellence that can become the world class leaders of tomorrow. Golden stars Academy will provide necessary breath of experience and challenging opportunities that will prepare your children for the life in the 21st century.

We are poised to nurture God-fearing, innovative, distinguished and excellent world class future leaders in our society through a systematic application of God’s help and an integrated educational curriculum giving alteration to their building and peculiar abilities and skills

We aim to give each child an educational process to fulfil 2 Tim. 3:17 “that the child of God may be perfect and thoroughly furnished unto all Good work” to enable our pupils and students to obtain excellent results in all their examinations.

We instil the virtue of respect for parents and authorities, tolerance, integrity, honesty, faithfulness, hard work, fear of God and respect for other people’s right in all our pupils and students. Rules and regulations are enforced with love.